Friday, April 26

10 day challenge [fears]

My fears are usually what every mother fears. We tend to fear the worst. More often than not everything is fine, but it's the things that cause those twinges of worry deep in the pit of your stomach... The things that give you that feeling is what I usually fear.

The sickness of a loved one, the worry that something unthinkable can happen during the night, that split second where you think your little one has gone missing in a crowded place.

We had one of my worst fears happen to us last year. Something horrible happened. It has strengthened us all dramatically but it's something I never want to deal with again. I am still having difficulty coming to terms with it. Such a traumatic experience doesn't go away over night, but with the support of our families we are coping together.

Fear is normal. It's when your worst fears come into effect that makes things worst. It's like living a nightmare. The loss of control. Your whole world shattering. The perfect life gone. Families torn apart - that is worse than fear.

Thursday, April 25

10 day challenge [loves]

This is a pretty easy topic for me.

I love my beautiful daughter. she is the most amazing little girl I know. She has the personality of a 20 year old and the happy carefree attitude of a three year old. She turns the big 4 at the end of May. I dont see her as a three year old though because she has such a fiery attitude and talks and behaves like a child much older then her age. She often tries to mother me and will pull the whole "not funny mum" line. I love her to bits!

I love my handsome little son. He is one of the most perfect creations. He is sweet, innocent and gentle. He smells like newborn and still loves to snuggle up with his mummy. He has gorgeous blue eyes and the faintest hint of blonde hair on his head.

I love my wonderful fiance. He tries his hardest to make me happy. He has recently discovered a love of cooking pastries and tarts so I love him even more when he makes his delicious chocolate tart. He encourages me breastfeeding our son and even makes me lactation cookies when I run out. I love him and im pretty damn sure he loves me.

I love my mum, step-dad & little brother. They are some of the most awesome people I know. My little brother especially so. He has the best taste in music, is always off seeing a new concert.. sometimes more then twice a week. He is super cool.

I love my dear friends. So very much.

I love Autumn.

I love the fact that Im getting married in September.

I love the beach.

I love my cat Mayhem,

I love my puppy Sybil even though she destroys the yard!


Wednesday, April 24

10 day challenge [secrets]

Secrets are secret for a reason but I shall reveal a few...
I hate housework. The only time the house is spotless is when I know my mother is coming over. Every other day it is just tidy. I keep my poor housewife skills a secret about from her.
I secretly wish we had used our sons middle name as his first name. I love his first name, but I love love love his middle name.
I've always said I hate Metallica but I secretly enjoyed seeing them at the Soundwave festival back in February.
I have a (primarily) boys middle name.
That's all I can think of for secrets... Poor attempt I know, but there really isn't much to reveal!

Wednesday, April 17

10 day challenge

Two years ago I did took part in a ten day challenge where I spoke about the different topics you can see above. I think its about time to revisit these topics to see what has changed in the last two years. I will be starting this challenge on Thursday. If  anyone wants to join me, copy the image and post on your blog!

Keep an eye out for my ten day challenge posts!

Tuesday, April 16

Nearly 10 weeks!

Tomorrow marks ten weeks that my most amazing little guy has been out in the real world. I still can't believe that I created this most perfect, smiley, gorgeous boy!

Master Nate has been talking much more and having little "conversations" with everyone. From the minute he wakes up in the morning he is full of smiles and talk. My fave thing to do in the mornings is to unwrap him from his swaddle and watch him stretch out and smile at me, its so cute to watch.

Tilds has been doing good as well. She is getting ready for big school next year by learning to trace words and learning to differentiate sounds. She already knows how to write her first name but we are starting on her last name. I am so proud of her progress, she really is a smart little cookie!

On the wedding progress... Well, we went to a wedding expo with both our parents and were talked into having a string quartet playing for the ceremony and we are now getting the whole day filmed by a videographer. We are sending out our save the dates tomorrow and we are still trying to decide on a design for the wedding invitations! So many different designs to choose from! Its coming around so quickly, it still doesnt feel like that long ago that the Mister proposed but its actually been over a year!

Stay tuned for more baby updates and wedding progress!

Friday, April 5

8 weeks already!

My little handsome man is officially an eight week old! he turned 8 weeks on Wednesday! I really cant believe how easily him and I work together. He is just perfect.

Over the last month he has started smiling, cooing and giggling. He is developing his own amazing little personality and he is most definitely a little snuggle bunny. He hates being put down and just loves being held, which I don't mind to much.. it just means that I don't get much done haha!

His sister absolutely adores him! She sits and "reads" to him, she talks to him like a real little mummy, she cuddles and kissed him. It is such a beautiful bond to watch. I am so proud of how much she loves and adores him, I am so proud of her.

I will update soon with more pictures, but for now, the little fellow is due to wake up soon.

Keep an eye out for our next update!
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