Tuesday, February 26

Introducing the newest littlest one!

On Tuesday 5th February I was admitted into the hospital for an induction. I had the prostin gel inserted at about 10pm and was told by the midwife on duty not to bother to much about contractions until I was at least three minutes apart, she then sent my partner home. Fast forward to 3am and that's when the contractions started, they started off at 8 mins apart and within the hour they had dropped to 3 minutes and absolutely painful! I called the midwife who sat with me and timed the contractions and told me she would be back soon to check on me and see how far dilated I was. I didn't see her for another hour. It was 6am when she finally came to check on me. I was 7cm dilated and I was finally able to call me partner and my mum to come to the hospital to support me in the final stages of labour (Yay). I was taken down to the delivery suite and hubby and mum met me there at 6:30am. I set myself up on the floor on my knees leaning over the birthing ball and as each contraction hit I'd rotate my hips in a circular motion to try and encourage baby down. Finally at 7:56am after a lot of tears, and a fear he wasn't going to ever come out, my handsome little man made his way into the world. I gave birth leaning over the birthing ball, no drugs, no need for stitches. My 10.5lbs bundle of goodness was born February 6th, Tilds adores him and I am absolutely in love!


  1. Congratulations!! He is gorgeous xx

  2. Congrats! He is so beautiful and so chunky. :)

  3. Wow what an incredible birthing story - congratulations to you and your family. However I might just might point out that I am childless and read this with my legs clamped shut tightly!


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